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Web Forms

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Web Forms

Processing Web Forms Alphabetizing User Input Zodiac Image Gallery

Processing Web Forms

Web forms have a variety of input field types such as text fields, text-areas, radio buttons, drop-down selection boxes and buttons which are created using HTML. Code is then written to validated the user input based on the type of data that is required for the script. There are many options when designing your forms such as the requirements you need from certain fields. For example you can require what is to be entered or require fields that should contain alpha characters v/s numeric characters. There are expressions used to verify input data with patterns such as credit card numbers, email addresses or telephone numbers. Finally your form will display the output using a server-side process to access any database included with the script.

Alphabetizing User Input

This script asks the user to input the 12 Chinese Zodiac signs separated by commas. It will check to make sure that 12 items are entered but no other editing is done. An array is built from the input using the explode function. Then the array is sorted and displayed back to the user.
[Test the Script] [View the Source Code]

Zodiac Image Gallery

Here we have a gallery of thumbnail images for the twelve Zodiac Signs. Each image can be enlarged by clicking the hyper-link.
[Test the Script] [View the Source Code]

Zodiac Feedback Form Database

This script will allow you, the user, to input your personal feedback on this Chinese Zodiac Web site. The included feedback form will ask you to input your name and any comments you would like to include. Each user has the ability to make their comments public or not by using the check-box where it specifies whether they want their comments to be publicly displayed or not. These names and comments are stored in the created database table as well as the current date and time. The form will also display a "Y" or "N" based on the users entry of checking the publicly display message check-box.
[Test the Script] [View the Source Code]

Zodiac Database Record Retrieval

This script will display the user feedback form comments from the Zodiac Feedback Database. If the user checked his form check-box to publicly display their message, it will appear in this form.
[Test the Script] [View the Source Code]

A randomly displayed Chinese proverb read from a text file.
No horse can wear two saddles*

6 Randomly displayed proverbs from a database:
4 In a flood of words, surely some mistakes.*
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