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Chinese Zodiac Feedback Banner Display
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Hover over the Fortune Fish to reveal your fortune.


Final Project

Final Project


This script creates a Calendar

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Chinese Zodiac Social Networking

This script will is the gateway portal for a Chinese Zodiac Social networking site that will create a login system to allow users to register, log in, create and update user profiles, display photos, and view all user profiles.
[Register | Login]  [Logged-in View]

[View the Source Code]

Images: main tables in databases.

Web Survey

This script creates a Web site survey with five question that will use sessions to track the user responses.
[Test the Script] [View the Source Code]

A randomly displayed Chinese proverb read from a text file.
If Heaven made someone, earth can find some use for them*

6 Randomly displayed proverbs from a database:
1 The swiftest horse can't overtake a word once spoken.*
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