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The Chinese Zodiac
Amy Tavakouli
June 23, 2014
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<title>Zodiac Image Gallery</title>
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<h1 style="text-align:center"><font color="purple">Zodiac Image Gallery</font></h1>
<p><h3 style="text-align:center"><font color="purple">Please click on one of the thumbnail images below to see an enlarged image.</font></h3></p>
<div id="content" style="background-color:#ffffff;height:500px;width:200px;float:left;margin-left:425px;">
$Array = array(
"Images/RAT.jpg" => "Rat",
"Images/OX.jpg" => "Ox",
"Images/TIGER.jpg" => "Tiger",
"Images/HARE.jpg" => "Hare",
"Images/DRAGON.jpg" => "Dragon",
"Images/SNAKE.jpg" => "Snake",
"Images/HORSE.jpg" => "Horse",
"Images/GOAT.jpg" => "Goat",
"Images/MONKEY.jpg" => "Monkey",
"Images/ROOSTER.jpg" => "Rooster",
"Images/DOG.jpg" => "Dog",
"Images/PIG.jpg" => "Pig");
echo "<p><a href=\"Images/RAT.jpg\"><img src=\"Images/RAT.jpg";
foreach ($Array as $Sign) {
echo "\" alt=\"" . $Sign . "\" height=\"125\" width=\"100\"/></a> " . $Sign . "<br /><a href=\"" . key($Array) . "\"><img src=\"" . key($Array);
echo "</p>";